Cooking Oil Mill Machinery

Description: We are basic designers, manufacturers and exporters of Cooking Oil Mill Machinery for getting the fresh, pure and natural cooking oil at local level.Our cooking oil milling machinery is very much suitable for the employment generation,……

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We are basic designers, manufacturers and exporters of Cooking Oil Mill Machinery for getting the fresh, pure and natural cooking oil at local level.Our cooking oil milling machinery is very much suitable for the employment generation, self-reliance and rural development projects.We have vast and rich industrial experience of 15 years in the edible oil sector. We have so far supplied and exported more than 1500 cooking oil mills throughout the world. The success of our Tinytech Cooking Oil Mill is the testimony of its satisfied customers.We use sophisticated technology and machinery for the process of designing and manufacturing of these cooking oil mill machineries. We have mastered the technology of processing and refining of edible oils. Kindly go through the below explanation of our  Cooking Oil Mill Machinery to get good overall idea.

Different Set of Machines included in Cooking Oil Mill Machinery:

  1. Steam Boiler:

    The steam is generated with the help of water feed pump in the steam boiler unit. The output steam is transported to the cooking kettle of the expeller where the seeds are pre-conditioned and mildly steam cooked for the goods results of cooking oil extraction.

  2. Decorticator / Cutter / Cracker:

    These are the type of seed processing equipments as per the type of raw material being used. All of them are used for oilseed pre-treatment process to make the oilseed ready before crushing.

  3. Steam Cooking Kettle:

    The Pre-conditioned oilseeds are fed in the feeding hopper of cooking kettle for cooking steam heating purpose. Cooking of seeds is necessary for highest recovery and long life of oils. The round kettle and long kettle designs are available for the specific oilseed to get the proper results in oil output.

  4. Tinytech Oil Expeller:

    The cooked oilseeds will come to the expeller where they are crushed inside the chamber. The main output will be cooking oil and the secondary by product will be the oil cake. Our oil expellers are very sturdy and heavy duty for using any types of raw material. It will produce best quality cooking oil.

  5. Oil Filter:

    The crude oil is pumped to the oil filter for making it clean and clear. Filtered oil will be totally transparent, fresh, pure and natural in taste without any chemicals. The filter press is specially designed for better filtration and better quality of final cooking oil.

Basic Requirements for installation of our Cooking Oil Mill Machinery

Space Needed: Around 400 square feet. It can be 6 meters x 7 meters.
Manpower Needed: Only 2 to 3 People can run the complete Cooking Oil Mill.
Electric Power: Oil Expeller runs on 12.5 HP Electric Motor OR 14 HP Diesel Engine.

Salient Features of Cooking Oil Mill Machinery

  • Our Cooking Oil Machinery is suitable for crushing all types of oilseeds whether edible or non edible.
  • Filtration of oil is better than very big oil mills giving transparent pure natural & “AT A STRETCH CONVINCING” appearance to the cooking oil.
  • Yield of cooking oil is more because of highly scientific worm sequence design inside the chamber cage.
  • Maintenance expenses in the cooking oil mill are negligible.
  • Technology of our cooking oil mill machinery is so simple that person can be trained only in 3 days to operate the entire mill. Simple technology should always be encouraged as compared to complicated technology.
  • Readymade steel foundation frame is supplied with the oil mill. The expeller and electric motor is to be directly rested on it and V-Belt is connected. So no need for any civil work and foundations. Installation is done in a single day and the production of oil can be started next day.